Our writers & contributors

Kate Johanns

Marketing & Engagement Director

Kate serves as the marketing and engagement director for ATPE. A native of El Paso, Texas, her work in association communications has been recognized by the Angerosa Research Foundation, Association Media & Publishing, and the Association for Women in Communications.

David George

managing editor

David serves as the editor for ATPE News magazine. He is proud to be a Texan, a military veteran, and most importantly, a public education advocate.

Jack Densmore

Marketing & Communications Specialist

Jack is a marketing and communications specialist at ATPE. He writes various articles and conducts polls focusing on topics that affect Gen ATPE* members. *Gen ATPE consists of ATPE members who are ages 30 and younger (No additional application or membership fee is required).

Andrea Hutlock

Engagement & Learning Specialist

Andrea writes about professional learning, offering strategies to help educators succeed. In her column, “Teacher Down the Hall,” she shares practical advice and inspiring stories from across the state.

Michael Spurlin

Marketing & Communications Specialist

Michael is a marketing and communications specialist at ATPE, and he has been a writer for ATPE News since 2019.

Jennifer Price

Digital Marketing Specialist

Jennifer is a digital marketing specialist at ATPE. She enjoys gathering and sharing stories from around the state about educators’ accomplishments in “Round of Applause,” but she doesn’t shy away from tackling issues such as vouchers and educator mental health. 

Lance Cain

Managing Attorney

Lance is the managing attorney for the ATPE Member Legal Services Department. He enjoys educating ATPE members about employment law and helping his clients work through their employment concerns.

Sylvia Martinez-Haley

Senior Staff Attorney

Sylvia represents school employees in grievances and other employment-defense matters. Her goal is to protect your career, and she’s a proud graduate of Texas public schools.

Monty Exter

ATPE Governmental Relations Director

Monty serves as the governmental relations director for ATPE. He is an attorney and one of the state’s preeminent lobbyists on public education policy. A former legislative staffer, he has extensive experience in organizational leadership and elections.

Mark Wiggins

Senior Lobbyist

Mark is the senior lobbyist for ATPE and a former broadcast journalist with more than 15 years of experience working with state, local, and federal government.

Tricia Cave

ATPE Lobbyist

Tricia is a 17-year veteran educator and has been a public education advocate since 2016. She works with the Texas House and State Board for Educator Certification on critical issues such as curriculum and the current rise in uncertified educators.

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Heather Sheffield

ATPE Lobbyist

Heather is an experienced lobbyist and grassroots campaign organizer. She is a former educator, a school board trustee, and she works tirelessly to support and improve public education.

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David Pore

Hance Scarborough LLP

David is a partner in the law firm of Hance Scarborough LLP based in the firm’s Washington, D.C., office. A former ATPE staff lobbyist, Pore has represented ATPE as a lobbyist at the federal level for the past two decades.

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Jessica Strickel

Staff Attorney

Jessica is a staff attorney for the ATPE Member Legal Services Department. The daughter of educators, she is dedicated to helping ATPE members with their employment-related concerns.

Jeff Kelly

Staff Attorney

Jeff is a staff attorney for the ATPE Member Legal Services Department.