In the first of a multipart series on educator leave, ATPE Managing Attorney Lance Cain clarifies the often-confusing rules surrounding leave types and policies for Texas educators.
ATPE federal consultant David Pore joins The ATPE Podcast to discuss passage of the Social Security Fairness Act—a momentous victory in ATPE’s advocacy efforts.
In this episode, ATPE Staff Attorney Martha Moring shares important information about Texas parents’ rights to access their children’s education, including the limitations, confidentiality of records, and classroom visitation.
In this episode, ATPE Governmental Relations Director Monty Exter discusses the importance of registering to vote and showing up to the polls in the November general election.
In this episode, ATPE Governmental Relations Director Monty Exter explains how together we can impact Texas education policy beyond just the threat of vouchers.
In this episode, ATPE Governmental Relations Director Monty Exter explains the how, when, and why of voting pro-public ed in the upcoming runoff election.
In this episode, ATPE’s new Engagement and Learning Specialist Andrea Hutlock describes ATPE’s initiatives to rethink professional learning for educators.
In this episode, ATPE Governmental Relations Director Monty Exter updates us on where we stand on vouchers and funding after the latest special session.