REPEAL! Victory on the WEP and GPO

On Jan. 5, President Joe Biden signed into law the Social Security Fairness Act, the result of more than 40 years of ATPE advocacy. The law repeals the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO), two offsets formerly in Social Security law that unfairly reduced the retirement benefits of some public servants, including many Texas educators.
David Pore, ATPE’s federal consultant and a partner at Hance Scarborough LLP, joins ATPE Marketing and Engagement Director Kate Johanns to discuss this momentous victory and the grassroots advocacy that resulted in the Social Security Fairness Act’s passage in the final moments of the 2024 congressional session. This is a must-listen for the many ATPE members who have written letters and emails, made phone calls, and even visited Washington, D.C., to advocate for repeal.

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