The Case for Showing Up: Why In-Person Events Still Matter

In an age of virtual events, is it still worth attending conferences in person? Despite the fatigue and expenses, the genuine connections and experiences you gain by being there offer something that online events can't replicate.

As an educator and now a learning specialist for ATPE, I’ve had the opportunity to attend numerous conferences over the years, with SXSW EDU 2025 in Austin being the most recent. There’s something uniquely draining, yet incredibly rewarding, at the conclusion of these events. By the end, I feel both energized and in desperate need of a nap! The exhaustion that follows is often a sign of truly immersing myself in the experience. But in today’s digital age, where we have virtual events at our fingertips, is it still worth the effort to show up in person?

Many of us have laptops, phones, livestreams, and online meeting capabilities that allow us to join events from the comfort of our favorite chair. So why bother leaving the house? Participating in numerous online events can leave us feeling drained, like the exhaustion I mentioned earlier, but it’s different. Online fatigue stems from the lack of authentic interactions, the absence of those small moments that make face-to-face experiences so meaningful. This can result in us only half-listening while “attending” an online session as our endless to-do list nags at us—making it harder to stay fully present.

Despite my best intentions to follow a carefully curated schedule to make the most of every conference, I’ve learned to lean into organic moments by prioritizing people over PowerPoints. The best takeaways aren’t the free tote bag or swag from the exhibitor hall, though I have acquired an impressive sticker collection. The most valuable takeaways come from interactions and “in-between” moments—conversations in hallways, spontaneous meetups, discovering shared passions, and simply the energy of a room of like-minded individuals. These moments, more than any slide deck or keynote speech, can spark unexpected and meaningful connections that rival formal networking events. There is a level of focus during an in-person event that allows you to step away from the everyday stressors and authentically engage in the experience. This level of engagement fosters a sense of belonging and validation that is far more impactful than simply logging in online.

Let’s be real: There is a cost associated with showing up—especially in the current economic climate. The financial cost of attending conferences and events is not lost on me, and I understand how challenging it can be for many educators. However, scholarships, grants, and other opportunities can make attendance more feasible. Of course, you can make the most of your investment by mixing business with leisure—choosing to attend a conference that includes opportunities to explore a new city, enjoy local food, and relax with friends or family. Treating these events as both a professional opportunity and a chance for personal enrichment, you can walk away feeling you made the most of your experience. Also, adding a couple of personal days at the conclusion of any conference is a buffer for mental recovery after immersing yourself in the experience.

So, should you go? Despite the cost, exhaustion, and necessary post-event recovery nap, it’s worth considering whether in-person events hold value for you. Sometimes, the best part of an experience is simply being present. The right event can make the effort worthwhile, and with Austin as the backdrop for the 2025 ATPE Summit, it may be one of those events worth attending. It’s the kind where you may walk away not only with a new tote bag but also a notebook full of ideas, new connections, and a fresh perspective.

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