The ATPE Podcast: Understanding Educator Leave Policies

In the first of a multipart series on educator leave, ATPE Managing Attorney Lance Cain clarifies the often-confusing rules surrounding leave types and policies for Texas educators.

As educators, taking time off when life requires it is a necessity. However, navigating the policies around leave can often feel overwhelming. For Texas educators, understanding the intricacies of leave types and policies is key to ensuring both your rights and responsibilities are respected.

You might have heard the terms “discretionary” and “nondiscretionary” leave thrown around, but do you know how they are typically applied and when they can be used? Are you changing districts and want to know if all or any of your leave will roll over? How about the difference in state and local leave and the benefits associated with them? If you have ever asked yourself any of these common questions, then we have answers to these and more.

In the first of a multipart series on educator leave, we sit down with ATPE Managing Attorney Lance Cain to unpack the often-confusing rules surrounding leave types and policies for Texas educators.

The legal information provided here is accurate as of the date of publication. It is provided here for informative purposes only. Individual legal situations vary greatly, and readers needing individual legal advice should consult directly with an attorney. Please note: Rights based on the Texas Education Code may not apply to all. Many Texas Education Code provisions do not apply to public charter schools, and public school districts may have opted out of individual provisions through a District of Innovation plan. Eligible ATPE members may contact the ATPE Member Legal Services Department.

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