A Reminder on School Traffic Rules

These traffic safety tips can help keep both you and your students safe this school year.

The early weeks of the school year are an excellent opportunity to review traffic rules regarding school zones, crossings, and school buses.

School Zones

Although school zones are designed to slow traffic and make drivers more alert during peak times of student travel, they can still be dangerous. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, there were 748 crashes in school zones resulting in one death and 14 serious injuries in 2023. The most common causes for the school zone crashes were speeding, distracted driving, and failure to yield the right of way.

To make sure both you and students are safe:

  • Be aware of both the locations of school zones and the traffic patterns surrounding them.
  • Put your phone away. Any use of a handheld electronic device in a school zone is illegal.
  • Always stop and yield to people using crosswalks.
  • Obey school zone speed limits. Traffic fines are also increased in school zones.
  • Always drop off and pick up students in designated areas.
  • Watch for students crossing the street or running between vehicles. Always slow down when driving in a school zone during peak times.
  • Students should always use the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the street facing traffic. Teach students to only cross the street at intersections and marked crosswalks and to be sure to look both ways before crossing.
  • Students should always obey crossing guards.
  • Students should also make eye contact with drivers and never assume a driver sees them.
  • Much like drivers, students should also be aware of their surroundings and not be distracted by electronic devices.

School Buses

TxDOT reports there were 2,523 crashes in 2023 involving school buses, which resulted in 11 deaths and 63 serious injuries. The main causes were drivers’ inattention and speeding.

TxDOT also has a list of tips for drivers as they share the road with school buses:

  • Follow school buses at a safe distance as they will make frequent stops.
  • Stay alert for students around school buses and realize they will not always look out for vehicles before crossing.
  • Always stop for flashing red lights or a stop sign on a school bus, regardless of which direction you’re heading. The only exception is when the bus is on the opposite roadway of a divided
  • Remembers that violations can result in a fine of $1,250 for a first offense.
  • Teach students to wait for the bus far back from the curb. They should wait until the bus has come to a complete stop to board. Once on board, students need to listen to the bus driver and remain seated to avoid distracting the driver.
  • When students exit the bus, they should only cross in front of the bus—never behind it. Make eye contact with the driver, and wait for the driver’s signal that it’s safe to cross the street.

Following these tips and traffic laws will help ensure that both drivers and students are safe during the school year.