House of Delegates

ATPE’s annual House of Delegates (HOD) meeting reflects our member-governed philosophy. At the HOD, delegates representing their local units and regions vote for ATPE’s next state officers and consider the reports of the Resolutions and Legislative committees.

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State Officer Election

The 44th Annual ATPE House of Delegates elected the following members to serve as ATPE’s 2024-25 state officers: President Jason Forbis, Midway (12); Vice President Jerrica Liggins, Paris; Secretary Eli Rodriguez, Cypress-Fairbanks; and Treasurer Teresa Millard, Woden. They join Immediate Past State President Jayne Serna, Leander.


The HOD readopted Standing Resolutions Nos. 1–13 as recommended by the Resolutions Committee and the ATPE Board of Directors. There were no current or prefiled resolutions to consider. The HOD also adopted an honorary resolution recognizing Past State President Stacey Ward for her service to ATPE. Visit to read the resolutions.

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ATPE Legislative Program

The ATPE Legislative Program outlines the association’s legislative priorities and guides ATPE Governmental Relations in its advocacy efforts.

Based on extensive work by the 2023-24 ATPE Legislative Committee, chaired by Gayle Sampley of Humble ATPE, the HOD allowed the 2023-24 ATPE Legislative Program to expire in its entirety and adopted a reorganized program with a few minor changes in its place. The new program includes the following preamble:

As the preeminent group of educators in our state, the Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE) seeks, in partnership with parents, public officials, and other community members, to provide current and future generations of young Texans with a free and appropriate public education. Texas students deserve the opportunity to receive a well-rounded education. We believe it is the states’ constitutional duty to provide adequate funding for the provision of safe, modern schools and the resources required to meet the needs of all students and those who educate them.  We further believe educators are the single most important resource in Texas public schools and that the state must provide the compensation and support required to attract and retain highly qualified, caring professionals.

Visit to review the program.