Holocaust Remembrance Week: A Time for Education, Reflection, and Responsibility

For educators, Holocaust Remembrance Week (Jan. 27–31) serves as a reminder of the critical role we play in helping students grasp the significance of this tragic event.

Each year, Holocaust Remembrance Week offers an important opportunity for reflection and education, allowing us to honor the over 6 million Jewish lives lost during the Holocaust and to ensure that future generations understand the profound impact of this historical atrocity. In 2025, Holocaust Remembrance Week begins Jan. 27 and lasts through Jan. 31. For educators, this week serves as a reminder of the critical role we play in helping students grasp the significance of this dark chapter in human history.

In Texas, the importance of Holocaust education is codified in the Texas Education Code, §29.9072, which requires public schools to provide age-appropriate instruction on the Holocaust. This law reflects the state’s commitment to ensuring that students not only learn about the historical events surrounding the Holocaust but also understand its moral and ethical implications. During Holocaust Remembrance Week, schools are encouraged to engage students with the educational materials and resources developed or approved by the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission (THGAAC).

The THGAAC Holocaust Remembrance Week webpage provides resources designed to educate students on the events leading up to, during, and following the Holocaust, as well as a framework you can use in your classroom to create meaningful lessons that are both respectful and informative.

For more information on Texas’ Holocaust Remembrance Week requirements, visit thgaac.texas.gov/learning/hrw/requirements-for-texas-schools. Additionally, check out these age-appropriate Holocaust education lesson plans and resources approved by the Texas Education Agency:

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