2023-24 ATPE Local Unit of the Year Awards

The Floyd Trimble Local Unit of the Year Award—named after one of ATPE’s founding members—recognizes local units’ superior efforts and accomplishments during the year. Each winning local unit was recognized during a ceremony at the 2024 ATPE Summit and received $1,000.

The Floyd Trimble Local Unit of the Year Award was presented in four categories:

Local units with 1–200 members

Hempstead ATPE, Region 4

“It’s an absolute honor and thrill to be recognized and receive the Floyd Trimble Local Unit of the Year award,” Hempstead ATPE President Jessica McHale-Rutherford says. “We don’t become educators for fame or fortune— however, even a thank-you to recognize what we do is like winning an Oscar. Hempstead ATPE has been working on growing our numbers, being more active in our community, and helping our members be more seen for several years. If we continue to work together and hold each other up, we CAN make a difference in students’ lives and the future of education.”

Local units with 201–500 members

Magnolia ATPE, Region 6

“Magnolia ATPE is humbled and honored to receive the prestigious Floyd Trimble Local Unit of the Year Award,” Magnolia ATPE President Sonia Wolfrom says. “Our sincere gratitude is extended to our members, many volunteers, ATPE Membership Specialist Ginger Franks, and Region 6 Director Donna Ward, who have served as our inspirational mentors and guided our leadership team in building an informative local unit. Their unwavering support and dedication have been instrumental in our success.

“We also extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone at the state office and our lobbyists for their tireless efforts. Their hard work allows Magnolia ATPE to effectively share membership benefits, Teach the Vote initiatives, and educational news that impact our industry. The collaborative efforts of these individuals and teams ensure that educators are well-informed and supported in their professional journeys.

“It is truly a group effort to keep educators informed, and Magnolia ATPE is profoundly thankful and appreciative of this recognition. Receiving the Floyd Trimble Local Unit of the Year award is a testament to the collective dedication and commitment of our entire community. We look forward to continuing our work together to support and advocate for educators everywhere.”

Local units with 501–1,000 members

Waxahachie ATPE, Region 10

“It is truly an honor to be chosen as Local Unit of the Year,” Waxahachie ATPE President Nora Crist says. “We have a great local unit that does so much for the school district and the community. We are blessed with great volunteers who made it all possible.”

Local units with 1,000+ members

Plano ATPE, Region 10

“Plano ATPE is deeply honored to receive the ATPE Floyd Trimble Local Unit of the Year Award in the 1001+ members category,” Plano ATPE President Ayanna Briggs says. “This prestigious recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion of our incredible members. It reflects our collective commitment to support members while making the positive impact we strive to make through service to our Plano community.

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each Plano ATPE member for their unwavering support and contributions. Their enthusiasm and engagement are the foundation of our success. We also wish to thank the nominations committee for recognizing our efforts and bestowing this esteemed honor upon us.

“This award inspires us to continue our mission with renewed vigor and dedication. Together, we will achieve even greater milestones. Thank you all for making this possible.”

Congratulations to all of our Local Units of the Year! For more information about ATPE’s prestigious awards, visit atpe.org/awards. Nominations for 2024-25 awards will be due Dec. 1.