School Board Appreciation Month: Honoring the Leaders Who Shape Our Schools

January marks the beginning of School Board Appreciation Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the vital role that school board members play in shaping the future of our schools and communities.

In Texas, school boards are essential to the functioning of local education systems: They set district goals and priorities, make vital decisions concerning budget and policy, vote to call for bond elections, and much more. January offers an opportunity for the public education community to express gratitude for the hard work of these often-unsung leaders, as well as make meaningful connections with them.

Building relationships with school board trustees is essential as a public education employee. Establishing rapport before issues emerge allows for open communication and mutual understanding. If you get to know your trustees outside of your classroom and the board room by sharing classroom successes and challenges, trustees gain insight into the real-world implications of their decisions, leading to more informed decisions in the future. You are the expert, and they need to hear from you.

For information about advocacy at the local level, ATPE members can add the ATPE Member Advocate Program (ATPE-MAP) Local Advocacy course to their wish list in the Professional Learning Portal now and be notified when the course opens later this month.

This month, take a moment to recognize the school board members in your district for their tireless efforts. Whether through a simple thank-you note, a gesture of appreciation, or a more formal recognition, it’s important to let them know their work is valued.

Also, each year, the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) creates a School Board Recognition Month planning kit for districts to use throughout the month to honor their local trustees. Click here to find out more. 

Thank you, school board members, for all that you do!

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